Tips on maintaining your Indoor Air Quality:
Add an indoor plant or two to your home or office. Many plants actually help remove toxins and add oxygen to your air! Some great additions are Aloe Vera, Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, Fern, Palm, Rubber Plant and Peace Lilies.
Many scented candles people burn in their homes may smell great but are adding toxins to your air as they burn! Unless you are using natural candles such as beeswax or soy-based candles, another organic alternative is simmer pots. Combine your favourite scents (such as citrus, cinnamon sticks, clove etc.) add water and simmer. The aroma will flow through your home. It is safe, natural and great smelling!

Check the outside dryer vent to ensure there is no noticeable lint build-up (as these build ups can be a serious fire hazard)
Check your furnace filters once a month!

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